BettaWerks VS Salesforce

A side by side comparison. 

BettaWerks VS Salesforce

BettaWerks vs Salesforce

BettaWerks cost less and offers more features. If Gartners is right about 80% of marketers abandoning personalization by 2025 due to lack of ROI, then we bet it is due to the high cost of marketing and not the lack of sales. Your marketing platform shouldn’t eat away all the profits from the additional sales it generates. Enter BettaWerks!

Do you want to be more profitable? Start by coming over to our team. Our software is user friendly…still, you’ll need to learn some features that Salesforce doesn’t offer.

Start saving today and switch to BettaWerks. Quality marketing products don’t need to be expensive to be effective.

You’ll spend thousands at Salesforce every month and BettaWerks $89 plan still gives you more features.


We compared BettaWerks lowest priced plan with Salesforce most expensive plan. More features are provided by BettaWerks and the cost is unbelievably low too! If there is  anything to learn by performing these analysis, it may be  that we need to raise our prices.

BettaWerks plans include all our marketing automation features. No need to upgrade to more expensive plans just to get tools you need to do more effective marketing and generate more sales. BettaWerks $89 per month should be a no brainer choice when compared to Salesforce $3,750 per month plan.

Marketing and doesn’t need to be expensive to be effective.

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