Learn About Our

Unlimited Custom
Data Fields

Every business is different. Why be limited to the few fields other marketing software provides? BettaWerks offers you unlimited data fields to allow you to track everything important to your business and to your customers.

Incredible Info Capturing

What product and/or service do you provide? Does your current marketing platform let you add as many fields about your product and service thats needed to fully understand the needs of your customers?

With BettaWerks, starting at $49.00, every one of our offers comes with unlimited data fields. And that’s just the start! The better you know your customer’s interests the easier it is to fill their need.


Begin learning more about your customers specific needs today and generate more potential sales.

Create unlimited data fields.

There is no limit to the number of data fields you can track. Having or building a list of customers is only the beginning.  Add custom data fields to capture critical details from customers that you can’t get with other marketing software.

Collect crucial data about products and services.

If your product or service offering includes something that isn’t matched in the industry, add a custom data field and track the level of interest customers show toward it. These could be your best leads to close.

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Build this Thing Together!